The efforts of the Kuala Lumpur Indonesian School (SIKL) in Making 12 Years of Compulsory Education a Success and Preserving Indonesian culture
SIKL, 12-Year Compulsory Education, Education CultureAbstract
This study aims to determine the efforts of Kuala Lumpur Indonesian School (SIKL) in making the 12-year compulsory education program a success and preserving Indonesian culture. The research method used is a qualitative method with a library study approach. The analysis technique uses observation, interviews and documentation. Kuala Lumpur Indonesian School (SIKL) plays a strategic role in supporting the successful implementation of the 12-year compulsory education program for Indonesian children living in Malaysia. SIKL provides quality education from elementary school to high school by implementing a curriculum that is in accordance with the national standards of Indonesian education which not only provides opportunities for continuing education but also makes students globally competitive. In addition to its academic function, SIKL also plays an active role in preserving Indonesian culture through various extracurricular activities such as traditional music and dance as well as teaching Indonesian. By combining education and cultural preservation, SIKL helps foster a young generation that has a strong sense of identity and love for the homeland, maintains Indonesian cultural values ??and grows in the midst of Indonesian society in Malaysia.
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